Does your Bed and Breakfast allow children?

Two or three times each summer week we get a phone call from someone who has perhaps found us online but has only looked at the pictures. They’re ready to reserve for their whole family and are taken aback when we explain that we can’t make a reservation for them,...

“I gotta get outta here”– Surviving Winter, 2021

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Not long ago, we got a call from a woman in Queens looking to get out of the city for a few days. “I’ve gotta get outta here. Are you–and the restaurants– open right now? Nothing’s open here, and I just want someone to serve me a meal...

How to Fully Experience the La Plata Mountains

Welcome to our beautiful backyard! The best kept secret in Southwest Colorado lives here: the La Plata Mountains. Immerse yourself in the true Colorado experience when you stay at Blue Lake Ranch, a short 15 minute drive to the base of the mountains! There’s...

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