Join the Manor’s Sleep Around Club

It started out as a joke when a room wasn’t available for the entire span of time that a guest wanted to book, necessitating a change of rooms during their visit.

“You’re joining the Sleep Around Club,” we’d tell them. “The elite club of people who have slept in every guest room at A Butler’s Manor.”

Then it became something we told repeat guests whose previous room wasn’t available for their requested dates. It was quite the inside joke: “You’re part of our Sleep Around Club now!”

Then last October as they said goodbye, lively repeat guests Joanne and Mark commented. “See you next year! It will be our final room for the Sleep Around Club!”

Sure enough! So when they booked their annual weekend getaway for October, we added a complimentary Celebration package to mark the occasion, and as usual, thoroughly enjoyed visiting with them during their stay.

“How many of us are there in the club?” Joanne asked, on checkout. “Maybe there should be a plaque!”

What a great idea. While a few repeat guests had laughed upon booking that they were continuing to add credits towards their membership in our Sleep Around Club, I actually hadn’t pulled up the records to ascertain just how many people there were in the club to date.

Now I have: There are seven esteemed members of the club, of which Joanne and Mark are now our most recent members. And there are twelve repeat guests who are one room away from the honor. (Think you’re one of them? Drop me a line and I’ll tell you which room you’re missing!)

To be clear, we are gratified by the return of many other repeat guests, some whom have come far more often than five times (since there are five rooms in the inn). Some have a favorite room. Others have specific requests, such as a tub, or a king-sized bed, or a third person traveling with them (automatically a Villefranche booking). But the members of the Club are largely comprised of those who have actively sought out a room new to them, just to experience A Butler’s Manor from a slightly different perspective. Since we worked hard to give each room its own personality, I appreciate their curiosity and confidence in us.

Yep, I’m going to order a plaque to hang in our upstairs hall to honor the few, the proud, the intrepid…the members of the Sleep Around Club at A Butler’s Manor!

Start (or continue!) your membership today by booking a visit! Join the club!

The post Join the club first appeared on A Butler’s Manor.

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