Industry Trends, Apps Drive Bookings For Bed & Breakfasts P

A B&B that offers a mobile app is taking advantage of innovative technology that helps them drive direct bookings and increase guest loyalty simultaneously.

These apps create a better path toward profit, and industry trends indicate that the app will continue to play a powerful role in the accommodation industry, as well as the travel industry.

The bottom line is, B&Bs that are not offering their guests a mobile app for their brand are missing out on significant opportunities to generate more revenue.

What Are The Latest B&B App Figures?

Apps are becoming the preferred tools of travelers who want to coordinate logistics for their upcoming trips and learn more information about their chosen destination.

According to Branch, mobile users spend approximately 90% of their time on their device engaged with apps. Tnooz recently reported that App Annie figures show that travel app usage has increased by a 150% during the last two years alone.

These numbers should stop you in your tracks and highlight the incredible importance of mobile apps in the hotel industry. Many travelers want to complete their transactions on their mobile device, and offering an app makes it easier than ever for guests to book a stay with your property. UK budget airline EasyJet recently reported that about 20% of its bookings take place through its mobile app now — and these are the types of figures that are expected to rise steadily into the future.

What Are The Ways that Apps Help B&Bs?

Hoteliers can use their apps in order to improve the guest experience in a variety of ways. Popular features on the most widely-used hotel apps include:

  • Booking capabilities
    Guests are able to book their rooms directly through the app in a quick, seamless process.
  • Front desk services
    Guests are able to connect with staff through the app, making requests and asking for additional information about the destination.
  • Room service ordering
    Guests can easily order food, beverages and other items directly to their room through the mobile app.

Why Should You Invest In A Mobile App For Your Property?

As more and more hotels use mobile apps, your property will start to become irrelevant if you don’t offer the same technology. A mobile app will help you drive direct bookings to your property while also improving brand loyalty amongst your guests.

Guests can continue to stay connected with your property through your app, and it serves as a steady reminder of the positive experience they enjoyed. Building a mobile app requires you to invest both your time and resources, but it will be well worth the effort in the end.

The advent of mobile technology has changed the travel industry for good. More and more travelers are relying upon their smartphones and tablets to enhance their experiences abroad. That might mean searching for hotels on their phone and booking while they are on the go, or using an app to conveniently enjoy the services they need during their stay.

Regardless of the specific use, travelers are becoming increasingly reliant on this technology.

The post Recent Industry Trends Show Apps Drive More Bookings For B&Bs appeared first on Front Desk & Reservation System for Small Hotels – Little Hotelier


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