Holiday Breakfast for a Crowd: Savoury

The kids (and maybe their kids) are coming home for the holidays. It’s sure to be a nonstop whirlwind of activity. And oh yes, we’re now very adept at ordering takeout for dinner to make things easier, especially when there’s a crowd.

But what about breakfast?

Here at A Butler’s Manor, making breakfast for a crowd is literally our bread and butter, and we’ve got dozens of recipes that can be made in advance and popped into the oven in the morning. That means you can enjoy your coffee while the house fills up with the wonderful smells of breakfast and wakes all those sleeping guests to the anticipation of a scrumptious, filling start to the day.

Here is a savory option, fit for a crowd. I’ve written it to be prepared the day before, but it can also be cooked straight away with modifications indicated in brackets.

baked casserole of eggs, prosciutto, chees and leeksPROSCIUTTO, LEEK & GRUYERE STRATA

The post Holiday Breakfast for a Crowd: Savoury first appeared on A Butler’s Manor.

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