5 TripAdvisor Tips to Boost Your Bed & Breakfast Reviews *

It takes more than just a TripAdvisor listing to build visitors trust in your Bed & Breakfast.  They are looking for advice about your business from other travelers before they make their booking with you.

It just makes sense when we read the statistic that 81% of travelers think TripAdvisor reviews are important.  To increase your business credibility embrace these 5 tips to boost your TripAdvisor rating…


1. Provide Unforgettable Customer Service

The most important step in improving your TripAdvisor ratings is to ensure that you really are providing your guests with an amazing customer experience.

This doesn’t mean driving them to the sites in your personal car, but it does mean ensuring that the small details are prioritized while you customize your guest experience based on your guests pre-researched preferences.


2. Give A Small Gift Upon Arrival/Departure

This gesture is effective, it makes your guest feel like you’re genuinely interested in them and their needs.  Providing a small chocolate and a welcome note, a couple of nice bottles of water, or even a bottle of wine, will make it evident that you are willing to invest in them to enrich their holiday.


3. Be Authentic

It takes special effort on your part to make an impression on your guests.  You must be true to your brand and offer something unique that will stay on guests’ minds hours, and even days, post-departure.

You have to understand what is at the core of your brand.  Then you have to clearly convey this message to your guests to create the brand loyalty that you desire.


4. Avoid Negative Reviews

Negative reviews are a blow to your reputation and your credibility.  Creating a positive guest experience can be achieved by following a few simple steps.

  • Upon arrival, before your guest heads to their room, ask them if there is anything else you can help with to make their stay even better.
  • During their stay make sure to check in every now and then to see if your customers are enjoying themselves.  Make them feel comfortable so they can be candid with you about anything that fails them.  If there are issues, do your best to correct them.
  • If you cannot fix the problem, own it and offer your apology and compensation if it’s appropriate.  Don’t make an empty promise and hope that they forget.
  • Upon departure, ask guests how they enjoyed their time at your Bed & Breakfast.  If they have a positive reaction then follow up with an email asking them to review your property on TripAdvisor.


5. Represent Your Bed & Breakfast Truthfully.

There is nothing worse for a guest then showing up at your bed & breakfast only to discover that it is completely different from what they expected.

Ensure the images on your website, or on OTAs, accurately represent what your guests will find.  This rule also extends to advertising your property.  If something no longer works or is out of order, keep people informed.

Don’t ever exaggerate your distance to the beach, people will discover the truth and they won’t be happy.  Provide current information about local activities and don’t provide any misleading facts of what your Bed & Breakfast has to offer.

If your customers feel that they have been deceived, they will take to the internet to warn future browsers not to make the same mistake.


If you want more tips on how you can create an engaging online presence for your business, follow the IAA Bed and Breakfast Blog and our Facebook Page.  

The IAA Bed & Breakfast Association helps new customers find your business.  You can start enjoying the benefits today for free by either claiming your business listing on our site or you can create your new business listing.


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