4 Rules for Successfully Marketing Your B&B Online *

Rule #1.  Minnows Can’t Compete with Whales!


You know how frustrating it is marketing your business online.  You understand that it’s almost impossible to be found when you are a tiny minnow, swimming in an ocean filled with whales….

For your online marketing to succeed, you have to develop a dynamic marketing strategy that builds a huge online footprint for your business.  

Your strategy has to be more than simply having a website and the typically weak and un-targeted social media presence that most small businesses have.

You may be asking, “How can I increase my online footprint?”  and “Can I achieve this without spending huge amounts of money on advertising?”

Expanding your online footprint is the key to increasing your online visibility and attracting the audience that you are seeking for your Bed & Breakfast.


Rule #2. You Have to Become a Whale!


The data shows that most travelers are going to do significant online research before they ultimately decide on where they want to stay, so you need to be both patient and persistent.

What can your Bed & Breakfast property do to create an effective, persistent, active and affordable marketing strategy?

Rule #3 It’s Great to be a Whale!


It’s all about changing your Bed & Breakfast’s online footprint.  Your goal is to provide multiple ways that your Bed & Breakfast will appear ‘prominently’ in the searches conducted by your prospective customers.

What’s the easiest and most successful way to accomplish that goal?  To achieve your goal, perhaps the easiest and least costly is through industry association memberships.

Business association memberships are a tested and accepted method for you to build your brand credibility.  While building your brand credibility they provide unique avenues for prospective customers to find your Bed & Breakfast.



Rule #4 How You Can Become a Whale!


Become a IAA Bed & Breakfast Association member.  Sounds easy enough and that alone would increase your online footprint.  At least a little bit.

However that’s not the whole story.  When you join the IAA Bed & Breakfast Association there are additional benefits.  

Your Bed & Breakfast also becomes a member of the International Association Alliance which is the umbrella under which all of the associations, alliances and other groups function.

It doesn’t stop there, You also become a member of the IAA Better Business Alliance, the IAA Green Business Alliance and the IAA Global Green Alliance.

Topping off, you also become a member in Accessibility International and Sustainability International.  The customers that you are seeking want to do business with companies that care about people and the environment.

To summarize, you can become a member of the following Associations, Alliances and Groups:


The best part is that you can get started today for FREE!

Click the JOIN NOW button above or below to claim your FREE business listing or set up your FREE business listing.



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